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Human interaction

Social interaction is very important now a day but in E-learning the social interaction is missing because in e-learning the person not had to go anywhere or any specific place where peoples come together and interact with each other and on the other hand in the classroom learning people come together for learning though which they interact each other which result development in their personality.

Cost effectiveness

Cost of learning is getting higher and higher so cost-effective education is very rare nowadays but in e-learning the cost of learning is comparatively less than the classroom learning because the operating cost of classroom learning is higher than the e-learning. An e-learning institute does not need a campus and big staff for handling students. On the other hand in classroom learning they need a campus or a classroom, so they get higher operating cost And expensive fees structure.

24/7 access

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In e-learning the person has 24/7 access to the course most of the time they get recording of the class on the other hand in classroom learning the student do not have this option, so we can say that in online learning has upper hand in this, and it is very good for working person (job, business, etc.) and through 24/7 access they can learn whenever they have time this makes education easier for everyone.


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It is a very important part of the learning process but in e-learning it is missing because we can’t do things practically on the online platform properly but in the classroom learning practical study is possible which is a key factor in learning anything. Theoretical knowledge is not enough so in this classroom learning has the upper hand in this thing.

Electricity & Internet

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In classroom learning without electricity and internet the learning gets some difficulties, but it is possible to learn but in the case of e-learning without electricity and internet learning is not possible. To operate any digital device we need electricity and to reach content we need internet connection. So with electricity and the internet cut off it is not possible to do e-learning, so we can say that classroom learning is better at this point.

E-learning need self motivation

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In e-learning students need self motivation. No one is going to force him to do anything. He should be self-motivated to learn through online platforms but in classroom learning, if a student is not learning there is a teacher who can motivate and understand the student.

Knowledge test

In classroom learning the exams are more effective than in e-learning because in e-learning the exams are not going to be fair enough in comparison to the classroom exam. Students use Google and books in e-learning to find answers which make knowledge tests unworthy.

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